Is Your Website Really Helping Your Business?

How can a website help your business

You believe you’ve got an awesome website

It looks gorgeous. It’s robust. It’s got all the bells and whistles. Tons of information for prospective customers. Loads of pages for all of your offers. Links galore. 

But all you hear is crickets. 

People are visiting, but then they disappear into the ether without any meaningful engagement or, ideally, a booking or sale. 

You’re racking your brain for reasons why this might be happening. I mean, what more could a customer possibly need from a website, right?

Luckily, we can help with an answer: they actually want less.

A confusing, clunky, info and link-heavy website creates a difficult journey for the customer, from the time they enter to when they click (or don’t) the call-to-action (CTA) button. 


These 6 reasons are why your conversion rate, to speak plainly, sucks. 

You’re doing too much.

The homepage is all about giving the customer a quick understanding of what you do, your value to them, and simple navigation options. You can include a CTA on this page, or even a few of them! But they must be clean, simple, and easy.

Your landing pages must also serve a specific purpose and not be overloaded with information, which clouds the message and makes the customer journey an uphill battle. Make it easy for your customer to understand the offer, its value, and how to take action.

After all, nobody visits a website to create work for themselves. They visit a website to find solutions.

A call-to-what?

I know, I know — nobody wants to come off as bossy. But this is the exception. You must tell your customer what to do. And sometimes, you must tell them more than once. 

Ensure each page clearly guides a customer to your call-to-action, the thing you want your customer to do once they’ve visited you. The CTA itself must be highly visible, relevant to the page, and crystal clear. 

And remember: don’t try to load all of your offers and services on just one page. One landing page for one purpose. Period.

Your menu is kind of a nightmare. 

Customers are leaving because they’re trying to find something, learn something, or do something, and they can’t figure out how or where. 

In that case, it’s time to do some listening. 

This is where heat mapping services save the day: you can visually see exactly where on your website customers are getting frustrated and ditching you. You may also consider allowing customers to give feedback on their experience so you can make improvements based on what you’ve learned. 

Your site is giving a TMI vibe.

You understand the home and landing pages must each have one goal: offering a solution to a customer. Are you interrupting their journey from need to solution with way too much information, copy, options, lists, and jargon? 

Like we said earlier, make it easy for the customer to get to the CTA. Don’t put them into a state of “analysis paralysis.” Do they need to know every single nitty gritty detail, or just the important parts?*

*We’re not saying don’t inform your customers, but you can make a distinction between information given to convert, and information given after conversion.

Repeat after me: I am worthy. 

Don’t hide your value! Customers need to know exactly why your solution is the best one out there. Or, maybe it’s not necessarily the best, but it’s the most affordable. 

You know your audience, so make sure you’re speaking to them, and only them. Tell them why they can’t live without you. Ensure your value proposition is loud and clear for each of your services.

In addition, don’t skip those testimonials and proof that you can deliver what you’re promising. These elements make your business appear more relatable and credible to your customer.

Now what?
Now that you understand some of these fatal flaws, it’s time to make some changes. Let us help you transform your website into one that does its job, and does it well, from wireframing, navigation, and images to copy and CTAs that make your customers click.


Book a complimentary discovery call today to review your website and find out how we can help get it working for your business! 


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